The Homelands of the Birds-of-Paradise Are Under Threat
Learn more about their native forest habitats and efforts to safeguard them
The fragile forest home of the birds-of-paradise
More than 40 species of birds-of-paradise live in New Guinea’s swaths of the Indo-Pacific rainforest region, one of the largest intact tropical forested areas on Earth. In the slideshow and sections below, explore the landscapes of New Guinea—the most species-rich island on Earth.

Protecting Paradise
- Tanah Papua: A Paradise for Birds
Experience the beauty of the island of New Guinea and meet the people in the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua who are determined to save its forests.
- Birds-of-Paradise Help Turn a Country Toward Conservation
In collaboration with the EcoNusa Foundation, “Defending Paradise” is a campaign to preserve the tropical rainforests of Tanah Papua and Maluku Islands as habitat for birds-of-paradise in Indonesia.
- Tanah Papua’s Forests: A Turning Point
New Guinea is home to one of the most biodiverse tropical forest systems remaining on Earth. Yet it is under threat from industrial-scale infrastructure development, commercial timber extraction and permanent conversion for pulpwood and palm oil.
- Intact Forests of the Indo-Pacific
The rainforests of New Guinea in the Indo-Pacific region are rich with biodiversity and indigenous cultures. They are also one of the world’s most important greenhouse gas reservoirs, as they store vast amounts of carbon in their trees and soils.
The Cape York Region of Northern Australia
Join the Birds-of-Paradise Project team as they explore Australian Wildlife Conservancy reserves in the Cape York region of northern Australia. Watch them encounter the beauty and diversity of the area’s wildlife as they search for the Magnificent Riflebird, one of the most surprising and spectacular species that the sanctuary harbors.
[lively music]
[natural sounds]
[helicopter sounds]
[camera sounds]
[natural sounds]
[whistle-like call of the Magnificent Riflebird]
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