Tanah Papua: A Paradise for Birds

Show Transcript

Logano Kevin camisa de devotin kita na
poquito de transporte in Sao Paulo
Caliente ooh de panne kita
Indonesia’s land of poppy
Kanna poppy consisting of two provinces
populous supports one of the only
remaining large tropical forests in the
world with the Amazon and Congo bases
these forests serve as the lungs of the
planet and in Papua they are the
lifeblood of the people
Daniel trow Tama Janowitz Iassogna Tariq
asani tow karna futon dip a vitamin
ribbon octahedron on Tomas sherek @e
papua JD sobre que de pan Ricardo
Smithsonian – hood pan papa was
geography contains a variety of
ecosystems coasts mangroves forests and
mountains that supports roughly half of
Indonesia’s biodiversity over 600
species of birds are found in Papua
including the birds of paradise many of
which live nowhere else on earth a blue
dye used in rabaa supersonic Sun of your
DSS an atomic sandwich antic beside you
look back on the birds of paradise are
icons of papoulas biodiversity their
unparalleled beauty has made them a
symbol of international renown literally
means to a Latin
kadachan maggie dennis.watson kita john
past abuse wanna do a demo in a pool
sauna global interest in papua bird life
is leading to increased opportunity for
wildlife tourism bringing newfound
economic benefits to local communities
young support baccata torr idea that
were pootie Ram Oh magnificent tilde
mind Jimmy mind
Donna keep Taranaki kept them winning
the whole compartment or opium wallah
vinyasa Lucania tendinous also be okay
mmm – ma who interrupts Mahara noon on
it will be some puniya – mediator pune
attend to that Indian teacher I’m here
to talk to know when Daniel Holden okay
but these forests are no longer isolated
from the rest of the world
the demand for timber palm oil minerals
and gas has arrived a future existence
of populist resources and biodiversity
and the communities that rely on them
depend on the choices made today
the governments of Papua and West Papua
are bringing together non-government
community academic and religious
partners to create a sustainable pathway
for development addict addict
Janka chill bland Davenport ami-nee
general Topanga we took Anna
there are plenty of examples of
ecosystems destroyed by
over-exploitation with its forests still
intact Papa has the opportunity to
develop in a way that allows both its
people and its environment to thrive in
de jambe raja ampat kuznia the superb
grain it was an Indus Valley
recent successes in the marine
environments of the Raja Ampat
region of West Papua show the
development and conservation can go hand
in hand with in the forests local
leaders are organizing their communities
with similar goals
yadi Angoon on Tokita adapt eager Holly
Anglosphere Libby Pentagon – ketta –
ketta – ah
who’s that for you
tiga re wisata llaman Taketa that attack
of boron by riot ray Korea they are
going to learn soon will break at a CD
indicate up in your camp on the forests
the birds and the communities make this
region unique and irreplaceable
Carlo Hooton de pasajeros hancher naka
de apoyo Slavonia Papa like dedicated
upon Brandon Herthum like a total a good
time as the lungs of the planet tropical
forests are an important buffer against
our changing climate
if populous ecosystems are degraded the
effects will be found not just locally
but across the world i pocketable
Laguna’s caliber to Masada pass through
collaborative leadership achieving
sustainable growth maintaining the
livelihood of local communities and
protecting globally significant
biodiversity are possible for Tana Papua
and all of humanity Allah was Sanna
Sanna EDA daddy
saya minta no para mas Arakawa Amamiya
mari kita jaga negra kita young in the
inning saying occurred upon an octree to
kita akan Monique mati operand guitar a
second hurry
Eenie dan satoru’s Nia Marie
kita bandook une voiture washy
young a daddy papa oh mama

End of Transcript

Watch the video to experience the beauty of the island of New Guinea and meet the people in the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua who are determined to save its forests. The largest tropical island in the world, New Guinea is home to more than 600 species of birds, including 37 bird-of-paradise species, many of which live nowhere else on earth.

With more than 75% of its forests still intact, New Guinea’s forests are also globally important for climate change mitigation, but are at risk because of development for palm oil, timber, and infrastructure. As the governments of Papua and West Papua and international partners have sought conservation solutions, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology has provided science, compelling stories, and inspirational film and photography of the birds-of-paradise to raise awareness of these spectacular birds and the region’s rich biodiversity.

In 2018 Manokwari Declaration, the governors of Indonesia’s two New Guinea provinces committed to conserve 70% of the forest cover for the western half of the island, an exciting blueprint for the future of climate change mitigation, conservation, and sustainable livelihoods.

Global interest in Papua’s birdlife is leading to increased opportunities for wildlife tourism and bringing newfound economic benefits to local communities. Realizing this vision will require much work and investment but, if achieved, will create a brighter future for Papua’s people and wildlife—and for the world.